The People's Budget Campaign
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Today, U.S. Representatives Mark Pocan (WI-02) and Raúl M. Grijalva (AZ-03), Co-Chairs of the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC), led members of the CPC in introducing the FY 2019 People’s Budget: A Progressive Path Forward. The People’s Budget creates a blueprint for a government that invests in our communities, not corporate CEOs, by making bold investments in health care, infrastructure, education, and other areas that face steep cuts in the Republican budget.
President Trump and Congressional Republicans want Americans to believe that we must slash funding for vital cornerstones of our society, including Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, to pay for their tax handout to corporations and the extremely wealthy. The Congressional Progressive Caucus knows that this is a false choice, and recognizes a path forward for our country that will put workers and everyday families first. The People’s Budget provides a progressive pathway to building a strong economy so working families can prosper.
“The Congressional Progressive Caucus prides itself on standing up for all Americans, not just those at the top. However, under President Trump and Speaker Ryan, we’ve seen tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, while working families are left with the bill,” said Rep. Mark Pocan, Co-Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. “The People’s Budget: A Progressive Path Forward is a roadmap for all Americans to succeed. By investing in education programs and universal childcare, we can expand economic opportunity for more working families across the country. And by expanding protections for workers and strengthening our social safety net, we can ensure that all Americans have a fair shot. We must stop the Republicans from further rigging our economic system against working families and the People’s Budget is the right way to do so.”
“Our progressive budget shows the American people that it is possible to be a country that empowers workers and cares for the sick, elderly and disabled; while making the long-term structural investments that provide a pathway to the middle class for those who have been left behind,” said Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva, Co-Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. “A fair budget starts by ending the Republican and Donald Trump rigged economic system that favors big corporations and the wealthy and puts the focus back on workers, returns power to the people, and empowers communities across the country through real investments and bold policies. Our budget paints a very different picture than the cruel Republican budgets, and provides a real path to economic opportunity and economic prosperity for our nation.”
“Budgets are so much more than a spreadsheet of dollar figures – they are a declaration of our values. It’s a promise about who we are, what we care about and what we’re willing to stand up for. The budget championed by President Trump and my Republican colleagues might work well for those who have membership to Mar-A-Lago, but working families have gotten the short end of the stick. The People’s Budget is a promise is to stand up for the American people and never back down,” said Rep. Pramila Jayapal, First Vice-Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. “It works to make our nation the kind of place that we want it to be – where immigrants are valued; human rights are respected regardless of religion and citizenship status; threats to our environment are confronted; schools are properly funded; infrastructure is strong; voter rights are protected; and families can make ends meet.”
“The President and Congressional Republicans have made their agenda clear: enriching billionaires on the backs of everyday families,” said Rep. Barbara Lee (CA-13). “The optimistic, progressive People’s Budget stands in stark contrast to Republicans’ cruel agenda. Our budget is focused on helping American families by investing in good jobs, creating pathways out of poverty and rebuilding our schools, bridges and public transit. I am proud to stand behind this bold, forward-looking proposal that puts people first.”
“I’m proud to support the People’s Budget because it makes our tax code work for working people, not our nation’s millionaires, billionaires, and wealthy Republican donors. We must build a 21st century economy that supports middle class families and families working to get into the middle class so they can achieve the American dream,” said Rep. Jan Schakowsky (IL-09). “We can do this by investing in health care, education, workforce training, research and development, and 21st century infrastructure. Our budget puts people over profits. It holds corporations – like pharmaceutical companies – accountable to ensure that American families can afford a healthy and prosperous life.”
“As a co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus Budget Taskforce, I am proud to stand with my colleagues to unveil our plan that demonstrates our commitment to the American people and provides them with an opportunity to succeed,” said Rep. Adriano Espaillat (NY-13). “The CPC People’s Budget is a budget that works for all Americans and not just the wealthy or top one percent. Our budget is a roadmap for success for America’s families, students, our economy and our nation.”
“This budget recognizes that those at the top bear a responsibility to pay their fair share. And it puts a stop to costly tax incentives that encourage corporations to outsource American jobs abroad,” said Rep. Lloyd Doggett (TX-35). “It will lead to lower health care costs by authorizing Medicare to negotiate with price-gouging drug companies. Unlike the Republican tax scam which lavished benefits on the wealthy few and large multinational corporations, CPC puts working families first.”
“The CPC’s People’s Budget invests heavily in sorely needed public investments, including infrastructure, education, child care, and health care,” said Hunter Blair, Budget Analyst at the Economic Policy Institute. “The CPC budget has always included a bold proposal to boost infrastructure spending, and that is true again in this year’s People’s Budget, which increases infrastructure investment to around two trillion dollars. These investments would create jobs, boost productivity, and help lead to a more equal economy.”
The Congressional Progressive Caucus – the largest values-based caucus among Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives with 77 members – releases a budget each year that expands opportunity for all Americans, starting with our most vulnerable communities. This year, more than 30 organizations endorsed the People’s Budget, representing issues ranging from the environment and diplomacy, to health care and the economy, among others.
The full budget is available here.
The executive summary of the budget is available here.